Title: Dumpling Days
Author: Grace Lin
Summary: This book is about a Taiwanese-American girl named Pacy Lin, who lives in New Hartford, New York. Pacy is all ready for summer until her parents announce that her family is going to spend an entire month in Taiwan. Pacy isn't even sure where Taiwan is and when she gets there, she looks like everyone else but doesn't speak their language, her art talent seems to have disappeared, and she only has her sisters to spend time with. But, as time passes, Pacy has many adventures and and starts to enjoy her family trip.
Other books by this author: The year of the Dog, The Year of the Rat, Where the Mountain meets the Moon and, Ling&Ting: Not exactly the same!
Rating of Book, 1-10: 9
Sounds awesome! I'll have to make a mental note to read that.